Sacred Union: A Ritual of Life, Death and Mad Love

Sacred Union: A Ritual of Life, Death and Mad Love is an unforgettable experience where the lines between the known and unknown, sacred and profane, life and performance, dreams and reality blur into a limitless horizon of possibilities.

This immersive, meta-mad-love story is a marriage of worlds, and if you feel called to say ‘I do’ on this New Moon, you’ll be invited to journey into the domain of the Marvellous.

To clarify (once and for all): this is a ritual wedding life drawing runway theatre performance rehearsal seminar.

Audience participation can range from the role of an observer to that of a fully celebrated wedding participant—should you choose to be one. The attendees will be seated in sections from ‘Yes to Immersion’, ‘May Be’, and ‘No Participation’.

Disclaimer: The show may involve gratuitous use of celery.

This is a one-night-only event.

With live music by The Byron Dreaming, stunning projection mapping by Club Sandwich.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this magical and transformative evening!


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